(1) MAJOR CARREER (主要經歷)


 1984. 02. 14.~1988. 02. 28. Senior Researcher, (Overseas Invited Scientist),

                                 Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI; KIOST),

                                 Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Seoul, Korea

                                (Physical Oceanography, Marine Meteorology, Ocean Environmental Modeling)

                                (한국과학기술원  해양연구소 (현, 한국해양과학기술원), 선임연구원

                        (한국정부초청 해외유치과학자 ), (해양기상, 해양물리 및 해양환경모델링))


 1985. 03.~1986. 02.  Instructor, Dept. of Science Education, Ewha Women's University, Korea

                                 (Physical Oceanography)

                                 (이화여자대학교, 과학교육과 시간강사 (해양물리학))

 1985. 11.~1985. 12.  Investigator, ScientistInterpreter, The 1st Korean Antarctic Expedition Team,

                                 King George Island, Antarctica

                                 (남극 킹조지섬, 1차남극탐사대, 탐사자, 과학자, 통역자,


 1986. 03.~1986. 08.  Instructor, Dept. of Oceanography, Graduate School, In Ha University, Korea

                                  (Physical Oceanography) 

                                  (인하대학교 대학원 해양학과, 시간강사 (해양물리학))

 1986. 06.~1986. 06. 1) Representive, Korean Government, SCAR committee

                                   (Antarctic Science & Policy), Sandiego, U.S.A.

                                   (미국 샌디에고시, 남극연구과학위원회회의, 한국정부대표)

                                 2) Representive, Korean Government, Intergovernmental Meeting

                                    (Antarctic Science & Policy), Racine, U.S.A.

                                    (미국 레이신시, 남극과학정책 정부간회의, 한국정부대표)

 1987. 04.~1987. 05.  Investigator, Korean Antarctic Survey Team, King George Island (Antarctica)

                                   (Before construction of Korean Antarctic Station-1988)

                                   (남극 킹조지섬, 남극기지조사대, 후보지조사자, 각국기지조사 및


 1987. 09.~1987. 12.  Instructor, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea

                                   (Marine Meteorology)

                                   (서울대학교, 대기과학과, 시간강사 (해양기상학))

 1987. 09.~1987. 12.  Instructor, Dept. of Oceanography, In Ha University, Korea

                                   (Meteorology & Oceanography).

                                   (인하대학교, 해양학과, 시간강사 (기상과 해양))


 1988. 03. 01.~2014. 08. 31. Full Professor, Department of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences,

                                  Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea

                                  (국립강릉원주대학교 대기환경과학과 교수)

                            (부교수대통령발령--1988. 03. 01.~1993. 03. 31.),   

                            (정교수대통령발령--1993. 04. 01.~2014 08. 31.)

 1989. 03.~1991. 02.  Member, Environmental Reservation Council,

                                 Wonju Regional Environmental Administration, Ministry of Environments,

                                 Korean Government

                                (환경처 원주지방환경청 환경보전자문위원회, 위원)

 1989. 05.~2003.12.  Trustee, Korean Meteorological Society, Korea

                                (한국기상학회, 이사, 학술이사(2001-2003))

 1989.10.~1991. 09.  General Director, Donghae Coastal Region Research Institute,

                                Kangnung National University, Korea

                                (국립강릉대학교, 동해안지역연구소 소장(법정연구소))

 1990. 03.~1992. 08. Member, Ocean Reservation Council, Marine Police Administration,

                                Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Korea Government

                                (내무부, 동해해양경찰대 해양보전위원회, 위원)

 1991. 05.~1993. 05. Representive, Korea Environmental Sciece Research Association, Korea

                                (한국환경과학연구협의회, 대의원)

 1992. 03.~1994. 02. Member, Ocean Reservation Consulting Council, Ministry of Environment,

                                Korean Government

                                (환경처, 해양보전자문위원, 위원)

 1992. 05.~1994. 05.  Director, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

                                (한국환경과학회, 이사)

 1992. 05.~1996.05.  Vice President, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

                                (한국환경과학회 부회장)

 1994. 01.~1994. 02. Guest Researcher, Dept. of Applied Meteorology,

                                Meteorologial Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

                                (일본, 일본기상청 기상연구소, 응용기상부,  객원연구원

                                - 한국과학재단 및 일본 기상연구소 공동지원

 1994. 07.~1994. 07. Guest Researcher, Dept. of Applied Meteorology,

                                Meteorologial Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

                                (일본, 일본기상청 기상연구소, 응용기상부,  객원연구원

                                -강릉대학교 및 일본 기상연구소 공동지원

 1994. 03. 01.~2014. 08. 31. Full Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Environmental Sciences,

                                Kangnung National University, Korea

                                (국립강릉대학교 대기환경과학과 정교수)

 1994. 05.~1996. 05.  Director, Korean Meteorological Society, Korea

                                (한국기상학회, 이사)

 1994. 05.~1996. 05.  Director, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

                                (한국환경과학회, 이사)

 1994. 06.~1999. 05.  Member, Educational Courses Deliberation Council,

                                Ministry of Education, Korean Government

                                (교육부 교육과정심의회, 심의위원)

 1994. 07.~1994. 07.  Member, International Committee,

                                "Metropolitan Development and Environmental Symposium",

                                Shanghai, China

                                (중국, 샹하이시, "대도시개발-환경 국제심포지움", 국제위원)

 1994. 09.~1996. 08.  Member, Environmental Impact Assessment Council,

                                Wonju Regional Environmental Management Administration,

                                Ministry of Environment, Korean Government

                                (원주지방환경관리청, 환경영향평가위원회, 위원)

 1995. 08.~1995. 08. Member, 5th Class Technological Examination Council,

                                Ministry of Government Administration, Korean Government

                                (총무처 5급기술고시 출제위원)

 1995. 12.~1996. 01. Guest Researcher, Dept. of Physical Oceanography,

                                Institute of Oceanography (Qingdao),

                               Chinese Academia Sinica, The People's Republic of China

                                (중국, 칭따오시, 중국과학원 해양연구소, 해양물리연구실, 객원연구원

                                - 한국과학재단 및 중국과학재단 공동지원

 1996. 05.~1998. 05.  Director, Korean Meteorological Society, Korea

                                (한국기상학회, 이사)

 1996. 05.~1998. 05.  Director, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

                                (한국환경과학회, 이사)

 1996. 07.~1998, 06. Member, Editorial Board, "Advanced in Fracture Mechanics",

                                Wessex Institute of Technology, United Kingdom

                                (영국, 웩세서기술연구소, 편집자)

 1997. 07.~1997. 08. Guest Researcher, Dept. of Applied Meteorology,

                                Meteorologial Research Institute, 

                                Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

                                (일본, 일본기상청, 기상연구소, 응용기상부,  객원연구원

                                - 한국과학재단 및 일본 기상연구소 공동지원

 1997. 08.~1999. 07. Researcher (nominated by President of Korean Government),

                                East Sea Fisheries Research Institute,

                                National Fishery Research & Development Agency,

                                Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries,

                                Korean Government  (1997. 08. 19., ~  1999. 08. 18.)

                                (해양수산부, 국립수산진흥원 동해수산연구소, 수산연구관

                                (대통령발령--1997. 08. 19. ~1999. 08. 18.)

 1997. 08.~1997. 08. Member, "International Scientific Committee,

                                International Marine Science Conference", August 25-27,

                                Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

                                (말레이시아, 트렌가누시, "국제해양과학회의", 국제과학위원)

 1998. 05.~2000. 05.  Director, Korean Meteorological Society, Korea

                                (한국기상학회, 이사)

 1998. 05.~2000. 05.  Director, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

                                (한국환경과학회, 이사)

 1998. 05~2002. 05.  Vice President, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

                               (한국환경과학회 부회장)

 1999. 01.~2001. 01. Member, Editorial Board, "Damage & Fracture Mechanics",

                               Wessex Institute of Technology, United Kingdom

                               (영국, 웩세서기술연구소, 편집자)

 1999. 01.~1999. 02. Invited Professor (First Class), Environmental Science Center,

                               Peking University,

                               The People's Republic of China

                               (supported by Chinese Natural Science Foundation)

                               (중국, 북경대학, 환경과학센터, 1등급초청교수

                               - 한국과학재단 및 중국 자연과학재단 공동지원

 2000. 05.~2001.12.  Director, Korean Meteorological Society, Korea

                               (한국기상학회, 이사)

 2001. 02.~2003. 01. Member, Environmental Grievance Management Council,

                               Kangwon Provincial Government, Korean Government

                               (강원도 환경분쟁조정위원회, 위원)

 2002. 01.~2003. 12. Director, Korean Meteorological Society, Korea

                               (한국기상학회, 이사)

 2002. 05.~2003. 12. Director, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

                               (한국환경과학회, 이사)

 2002. 05.~2003. 12. President, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

                               (한국환경과학회, 회장)

 2002. 01.~2003. 12. Member, Environmental Consulting Council,

                               Gangwon Institute of Health & Environmental,

                               Gangwon Provincial Government, Korea

                               (강원도보건환경연구원, 환경자문위원)

 2002. 01.~2003. 08. Member, Advisory Editorial Board, Geospatial Today"

                               -International Journal", India

                               (인도, 국제저널"Geospatial Today-국제저널" 자문편집자)

 2002. 02~-2003. 02. Member, Environmental Impact Assessment Council,

                               Wonju Regional Environmental Management Administration,

                               Korean Government

                               (원주지방환경관리청, 환경영향평가위원회, 위원)

 2002. 02.~2002. 07. Representive President, Environment, Energy & Ecology Symposium,

                               "2002 World Congress of Korean &  Korean-Ethnic Scientists & Engineers",

                                July, 10-14, 2002,

                                Korean Federation of Science & Technology Society, Korea

                               (한국과학기술단체총연합회, 2002년한민족과학기술자총회,

                                7월 10~14일, 2002년,

                               환경, 에너지 및 생태심포지움 의장 (국내환경관련학회 총괄대표회장)

 2002. 05.~2005. 05.Member, Environmental Science and Technology Council,

                               Korean Federation of Science & Technology Society, Korea

                               (한국과학기술단체총연합회, 환경기술위원회, 위원)

 2002. 07.~2002. 08.Representive President, among Environmental Science Societies, Korea,

                              “2002 Scientific EXPO for Middle School Students", August 13-17,

                               Korean Science Foundation, Ministry Science & Technology,

                               Korean Government

                               (2002년 중고등학생과학엑스포, 한국과학문화재단-과학기술부 주관,  

                                8월 13~17일, 2003년,

                               국내 환경관련학회 중 총괄대표학회 회장)

 2002. 10.~2003. 12. Councilor, Korean Federation of Science &Technology Society, Korea

                               (한국과학기술단체총연합회, 평의원, 대의원)

 2002. 10.~Present  Member, Research Council, International Biographical Center(IBC),

                               United Kingdom

              (현재)       (영국, 국제인명센터, 연구위원회, 위원)

 2003. 02.~2003. 08. Member, Program Committee, International Conference and Young

                               Scientists on Computational Information Technologies for Environmental

                               Sciences (CITES-2003), Russia

                               (러시아, 환경과학계산정보기술국제회의, 프로그램위원회 위원)

 2003. 07.~2003. 08. Representative President, Environmental Science Societies of Korea,

                              “2003-Korean Scientific Festival-EXPO for Juvenile Science &

                               Engineering Majors and Courses", August 13-17,

                               Korean Science Foundation,

                               Ministry Science & Technology, Korean Government

                               (대한민국과학축전, 과학기술부-한국과학문화재단 주관,

                                2003년 청소년이공계진로 엑스포, 8월 13~17일, 2003년,

                               국내 환경관련학회 총괄대표학회 회장)

 2003. 08.~2005. 08. Fisheries Researcher (nominated by President of Korean Government),

                               East Sea Fisheries Research Institute, 

                               National Fishery Research & Development Institute,

                               Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries,

                               Korean Government (2003. 08. 21. ~ 2005. 08. 20.)

                               (해양수산부, 국립수산과학원, 동해수산연구소, 수산연구관

                               (대통령발령--2003. 08. 21. ~ 2005. 08. 20.))

 2003. 11.~2003. 11. President, International Symposium on Clean Environment, Nov. 21-22,

                               Cheonan, Korea

                               (청정환경국제심포지움, 한국 천안, 11월 21~22일, 2003년, 개최회장)

 2003. 11.~2004. 12. Member, Agriculture, Fisheries and Ocean Sectional Council,

                               Korean Research Foundation, Korea

                               (한국학술진흥재단, 농수해양분과위원회, 위원)

 2004. 01.~2005. 12. Councilor, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

                               (한국환경과학회, 평의원)

 2004. 01.~2005. 12. Councilor, Korean Meteorological Society, Korea

                               (한국기상학회, 평의원)

 2004. 01.~Present   Honorable President, Korean Environmental Sciences Society, Korea

             (현재)        (한국환경과학회 명예회장)

 2004. 09.~2005. 10. Co-Conference Chair, " 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality

                               Management of Global, Regional & Urban Scales", Sept.26-30, 2005,

                               Istanbul, Turkey

                               (터키, 이스탄블, 3차 지구/지역/대도시규모대기질관리 국제심포지움,

                                9월 26~30일, 2005년, 공동개최회장)

 2004. 09.~2005. 06. Convenor, "Atmospheric Environment" , 2005 AOGS 2nd Meeting,

                               (Asia - Oceania Geosciences Society), July 20-25, 2005, Singapore

                               (싱가포르, 2005년 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 7월 20~25일, 2005년,

                                대기환경분과 조정관 )

 2004. 09.~2005. 06. Convenor, "Urban & Regional Climatology", 2005 AOGS 2nd Meeting,

                               (Asia - Oceania Geosciences Society), July 20-25, 2005, Singapore

                               (싱가포르, 2005년 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 7월 20~25일, 2005년,

                                도시-지역기후분과 조정관)

 2004. 09.~2006. 08. Chair, Ecological Culture & Tour Sectional Council, Whachun 21 Forum,

                               Whachun Prefectural Government, Gangwon Province, Korea

                                (화천군 화천포럼21, 생태문화-관광분과위원회 위원장)

 2004. 10.~2004. 10. Member, Final Evaluation Deliberation Council on Next Generation Project,

                               Korea Institute of Environmental Science & Technology (KIEST), Korea

                                (한국환경기술진흥원, 차세대사업 최종평가심의위원)

 2004. 10.~2004. 10. Refree, Special nomiation examination of provincial environmental

                               technologist, Gangwon Institute of Health & Environment,

                               Gangwon Provincial Government, Korea     

                               (강원도보건환경연구원, 지방환경사 특별임용논문심사위원)

 2005. 01.~2007. 01. Guest Invited Professor, State Key Laboratory of Environmental Simulation

                               & Pollution Control, Peking University,  Beijing,

                               The People's Republic of China

                                (중국 북경,  북경대학교, 환경수치모의-오염공제국가연합중정실험실,


 2005. 04.~2007. 04. Member, Environmental Affinity Industry Inspection Council,

                               Wonju Regional Environmental Office, Korean Government

                               (원주지방환경청, 환경친화기업심사위원)

 2005. 04.~2007. 03. Member, Regional Innovation Council, Whachun Prefectural Government,

                               Gangwon Province, Korea

                               (화천군 지역혁신위원회 위원)

2005. 06.~2005. 06.  2000 Outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century

                               International Biographical Centre (IBC), United Kingdom

                               (영국, 국제인명센터, 21세기  탁월한 2000 세계지식인 )

 2005. 06.~2006. 07. Vice President, "Atmosphere Science Section",  2005 AOGS 2nd Meeting,  

                               (Asia - Oceania Geosciences Society), Singapore

                               (싱가포르, 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 대기과학분야 부회장 )

 2005. 07.~2005. 07. Instructor, Gangwon Branch Society of  Korean Environmental Preservation

                                Association, Korea

                                (한국환경보전협회 강원도 지회, 환경기술인 법정교육 강사 

 2005. 10.~2006. 07. Convenor, "Atmospheric Enviornment", 2006 AOGS 3rd Meeting,

                                (Asia - Oceania Geosciences Society),  July 10-14, 2006, Singapore

                               (싱가포르, 2006년 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 7월 10~14일, 2006년,

                                대기환경분과 조정관)

 2005. 06.~2006. 07. Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board, "Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 5", WSPC

                               (World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore

                               (싱가포르, 국제저널"Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 5,  편집장)

 2005. 10.~2009. 09. Editor, Special issue (2009)-"International Journal of Environment & Pollution",


                               2005 AQM symposium), International  Journal of Environment & Pollution",

                               United Kingdom (UK)

                               (영국, 국제저널"International Journal of Environment & Pollution", 편집자)

 2005. 11.~Present  Deputy Director General, International Biographical Centre (IBC), 

                               United Kingdom

              (현재)        (영국, 국제인명센터, 부소장)

 2006. 07.~2007. 08. Convenor, "Atmospheric Enviornment & Pollution", 2007 AOGS 4th Meeting,

                               (Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society), July 30~Aug. 03, 2007, Bangkok,


                               (태국 방콕, 2007년 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 7월 30~8월 3일, 2007년,

                               대기환경/오염분과  조정관)

 2006. 07.~2007. 08. Editor, Editorial Board, "Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 9", WSPC

                               (World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore

                               (싱가포르, 국제저널"Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 9",  편집자)

 2006. 07.~2008. 07. President, "Atmosphere Science Section",  2007 AOGS 4th Meeting,

                               (Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society; 53국), Singapore      

                               (싱가포르, 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 대기과학분야 회장 )

 2006. 09.~2009. 12. Editor, "Far East Journal of Ocean Research", Pushpa Publishing Company,


                               (인도, 국제저널"Far East Journal of Ocean Research", 편집자 )

 2007. 02.~2009. 02. Member, Prior Environmental Examination & Environmental Impact

                                Assessment  Advisory Council, Wonju Regional Environmental Office,

                                Korean Government

                               (원주지방환경청, 사전환경성검토 및 환경영향평가 자문위원)

 2007. 03.~2009. 12. Editor-in-Chief, "Far East Journal of Ocean Research",

                                Pushpa Publishing Company, India

                               (인도, 국제저널"Far East Journal of Ocean Research", 편집장 )

 2007. 07.~2008. 06. Convenor, "Atmospheric Enviornment & Pollution", 2008 AOGS 5th Meeting,

                               (Asia - Oceania Geosciences Society) June 16-20, 2008, Busan, Korea

                               (한국, 부산, 2008년 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 6월 16~20일, 2008년,

                                대기환경/오염분과  조정관)

 2007. 11.~Present  Editor, "The Open Atmospheric Science Journal", 

                                Bentham Science Publishers,


              (현재)        (미국, 국제저널"The Open Atmospheric Science Journal", 편집자 )

 2008. 06.~2009. 08. Convenor, "Atmospheric Enviornment & Pollution", 2009 AOGS 6th Meeting,

                                (Asia - Oceania Geosciences Society), Aug. 11~15, 2009, Singgapore

                                (싱가포르, 2009년 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 8월 11~15일, 2009년,

                                대기환경/오염분과 조정관)

 2008. 06.~2009. 08. Vice President, "Atmospheric Science Section",  2009 AOGS 6th Meeting,

                                (Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society), Singapore

                                (싱가포르, 2009년 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 8월 11~15일, 2009년,

                                대기분야 부회장)

 2009. 08.~Present  Editor, "Disaster Advances", Environmental Disaster Research InstituteIndia

              (현재)        (인도, 국제저널"Disaster Advances, 편집자)

 2009. 10.~2016. 12. Editor, "International Journal of Water Resources & Environmental

                                Engineering", Nigeria

              (현재)        (나이지리아, 국제저널"International Journal of Water Resources &

                                Environmental Journal", 편집자)

 2006. 05.~2009. 08. Invited Guest Editor, "International Journal of Environment & Pollution,

                               special issue (2009), Inderscience,  England

                               (영국, 국제저널"International Journal of Environment & Pollution",


 2009. 10.~2012. 12  Editor, "International Geoinformatics Research & Development Journal",


                               (캐나다, 국제저널"International Geoinformatics Research & Development

                               Journal", 편집자)

 2010. 01.~Present  Editor-in-Chief, "Current development in Oceanography", India

               (현재)      (인도, 국제저널"Current Development in Oceanography", 편집장)

 2011. 03.~2014. 01. Editor, "Global Meteorology", Italy

                              (이태리, 국제저널"Global Meteorology", 편집자)

 2011. 03.-Present   Editor, "Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment",

                               Environmental Disaster Research Institute,  India

              (현재)      (인도, 국제저널"Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment, 편집자)

 2011. 05.~2016. 12. Editor,"International Journal of Physical Sciences," Academic Journals",


              (현재)      (나이지리아국제저널"International Journal of Physical Sciences, 편집자)

 2011. 08.~2011. 08. Convenor, "Air Quality Modeling & Monitoring", 2011 AOGS 8th Meeting

                             (Asia - Oceania Geosciences Society) , Aug. 07-12, 2011, Taipei

                             (타이페이, 2011년 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회, 8월 7~12일, 2011년,

                             대기질모델/모니터링, 조정관)

 2011. 08.~2011. 08. Convenor, "Typhoon Impact on Ocean Environment & Disaster", 2011 AOGS

                             8th Meeting (Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society), Aug. 07-12, 2011, Taipei


                             (타이완, 타이페이, " 2011년 아시아-오세아니아지구과학회,  8월 7~12일,

                             2011년, 해양환경/재해에 태풍 영향", 조정관)

 2011. 11.~Present   Editor, "African Journal of Agricultural Research," Academic Journals",


             (현재)      (나이지리아국제저널"African Journal of Agricultural Research, 편집자)

 2009. 10.~2011. 09. Dean, "Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea

                            (국립강릉원주대학교, 대학원장)

 2009. 11.~2012. 02. Dean, "Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea

                            (국립강릉원주대학교, 대학원장)

 2012. 03.~2012. 03. International Scientific & Advisory Committee Member, "8th International

                             Conference on Air Quality-Science & Application", March 19~23, 2012, Athens,


                             (그리스, 아테네, "8차 대기질-과학과 응용 국제학술회의",  3월 19~23일,

                             2012년, 국제과학자문위원)

 2012. 05.~2012. 05. International Advisory Committee Member, "6th International Symposium on 

                             Advances in Science & Technology", May 24~25, 2012, Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia

                             (말레이시아, 쿠알라룸푸르, "6차 과학과 기술 선진화 국제심포지움", 5월 24~25일,

                             2012년, 국제자문위원)

 2012. 08.~Present  Editor, "American Journal of Environmental Engineering",

                            Scientific & Academic Publishing,  USA

              (현재)      (미국국제저널"American Journal of Environmental Engineering", 편집자)

 2012. 03.~2012. 09. Scientific Advisory Committe Member"4th International Symposium on

                             Air Quality  Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales and

                             IUAPPA Regional Conference, September 10~13, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey

                             (터키, 이스탄블, "4차 도시, 지역, 전지구규모 대기질관리 국제심포지움" 및

                             IUAPPA지역회의", 9월 10!13일, 2012년, 국제자문위원)

 2012. 10. 15.~Present  Associate Editor-in-Chief, "International Journal of Environment &

                             Resources",  Science &  Engineering Publishing Co., USA

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"International Journal of Environment & Resources",

                            Science & Engineering Publishing Co., 부편집장)

 2012. 09.~2013. 06  Scientific Committee Member, "4th International Conference on Earth

                            Observation for Global Changes (EOGC'2013) and 2013 Annual Conference o

                            Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG)"June 5-7, 2013, Toronto, Canada

                            (캐나다  토론토,"4차 전지구규모 지구관측국제학술회의 및

                            2013년 측지학  캐나다년례회의", 6월 5~7일, 2013년, 과학위원)

 2013. 01.~Present  Editor, "American Journal of Environmental Protection",

                           Science & Education Publishing Co., USA   

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"American Journal of Environmental Protection", 편집자)

 2012. 11.-2012. 11. Keynote Speaker, "4th International Conference on Geo-Information

                            Technology for Natural Disaster  Management (GiT4NDM2012)", November 7~8, 

                            2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka

                            (스리랑카  콜롬보, "4차 자연재해관리 위한 지리정보기술 국제학술회의",

                            11월 7~8일, 2012년,핵심발표자)

 2013. 04.~2013. 05.  Technical Committee Member"ICCNCE 2013 International Conference on

                            Computer, Networks & Communication Engineering, May 23~24, 2013, Beijing,


                            (중국 "ICCNCE 2013 컴퓨터 네트웤 및 통신공학 국제학술회의",  5월 23~24일,


 2013. 03.~2013. 08. Keynote Speaker, "5th International Conference on Health GIS 2013,

                            August 21~23, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand 

                            (태국 방콕,"5차 건강지리정보 2013 국제학술회의", 8월 21~23일, 2013년,


 2013. 03.~2013. 08. International Advisory Committee, "5th International Conference on

                            Health GIS 2013", August 21~23, 2013, Bangkok, Tailand

                            (태국, 방콕, "5차 건강지리정보 2013 국제학술회의", 8월 21~23일, 2013년,


 2013. 03.~2013. 09. Keynote Speaker, "3rd WCBT-2013 Annual World Congress of Marine

                            Biotechnology, September 23~25, 2013, Hangzhou, China

                            (중국, 항조우, "3차 WCBT-2013 해양생물기술 연례국제총회", 9월 23~29일,  

                            2013년, 핵심발표자)

 2013. 01.~2013. 10. Scientific Committee Member, "5th GiT4NDM-5th International Conference

                            on Geo-information Technology for Natural Disaster Management,

                            October 9~11, 2013, Dewey College, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

                            (캐나다, 온타리오, "5차 GIT4NDM 자연재해관리 지리정보기술 국제학술회의",

                            10월 9~11일, 2013년, 과학위원)"

 2013. 02.~2013. 03. International Scientific & Advisory Committee Member, "9th International

                            Conference in Air Quality-Science & Application", March 24~28, 2014,

                            Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

                            (독일, 가르미슈-파르텐키르헨, "9차 대기질 과학과 응용 국제학술회의",

                             3월 24~28일, 2014년, 국제과학위원)

 2013. 08.~Present  Editor, "Universal Journal of Geoscience", Horizon Research Publishing Co.,


             (현재)      (미국국제저널"Universal Journal of Geoscience", 편집자)

 2013. 08.~Present  Associate Editor, "International Journal of Research in Chemistry &

                              Environment",  Self  Publishing Co.,  India  

             (현재)      (인도국제저널"International Journal of Research in Chemistry & Environment",


 2013. 09. 25.~Present  Adjunct Professor, "Zhejiang Ocean University(Sept. 25, 2013)

                            (中國, 浙江海洋學院, 兼職敎授),  China

             (현재)      (중국"절강해양대학 (조산시)", 겸직교수)

 2013. 10.~Present  Editor, "Frontiers in Water Resources", Edinwilsen Press, United Kingdom (UK)

             (현재)      (영국국제저널"Frontiers in Water Resources", 편집자)

 2013. 11.~Present  Editor, "American Journal of Food Science & Technology",

                            Scientific & Education Publishing, USA  

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"American Journal of Food Science & Technology", 편집자)

 2014. 01.~2014. 01. Technical Committee Member"CCIT 2014 International Conference on

                            Computer, Communication & Information Technology, January 16~17, 2014, 

                            Beijing, China

                            (중국, 북경, "CCIT2004년 컴퓨터, 통화 및 정보 국제학술회의", 1월 16~17일,

                            2016년, 기술위원)

 2014. 02.~2014. 07. Organizing Committee Member"3rd International Conference on Earth

                            Science  & Climate  Change, July 28~30, 2014, San Francisco, USA

                            (미국, 샌프란시스코, "3차 지구과학 및 기후변화 국제학술회의", 7월 28~30일,

                            2014년, 조직위원)"

 2014. 02.~2014. 10. Keynote Speaker"BIT-4th WCMB-2014 Annual World Congress of Marine

                            Biotechnology,  October 16~18, 2014, Dalian, China

                            (중국, 대련, "BIT-4차WCMB-2014년 해양생기술연차세계총회", 0월 16~18일,

                            2016년, 핵심발표자)

 2014. 02.~Present  Editor, "Open Journal of Ocean & Coastal Sciences",

                            Scientific Online Publishing", USA   

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"Open Journal of Ocean & Coastal Sciences", 편집자)

 2014. 02.~Present  Editor, "Open Journal of Atmospheric & Climate Change",

                            Scientific Online Publishing",  USA   

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"Open Journal of Atmospheric & Climate Change", 편집자)

 2014. 02.~Present  Editor, "Journal of Environment & Human", Scientific Online Publishing", USA   

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"Journal of Environment & Human", 편집자)

 2014. 02. 24.~Present   Associated Editor-In-Chief, "Current Advances in Environmental Science",

                            American V-King Publishing LTD, USA   

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"Current Advances in Environmental Science", 부편집장)

 2014. 03. 17.~Present Editor-In-Chief, "Trends Journal of Science Research", TJSR Co., USA   

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"Trends Journal of Science Research", 편집장)

 2014. 03. 31.~Present Editor, "Advanced Research in Engineering Sciences",

                            Alp Computer Education Society, USA  

             (현재)      (인도국제저널"Advanced Research in Engineering Sciences", 편집자)

 2014. 04. 10.~Present Editor-in-Chief, "American Journal of Environmental Protection",

                            Science & Education Publishing Co., USA  

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"American Journal of Environmental Protection", 편집장)

 2014. 04. 10.~Present Editor-in-Chief, "American Journal of Food Science & Technology",

                            Science & Education Publishing Co., USA      

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"American Journal of Food Science & Technology", 편집장)    

 2014. 04. 26.~2017. 12. Editor, "Journal of Scientific Research & Reports",

                            CIENCEDOMAIN International, USA

                            (미국국제저널"Journal of Scientific Research & Reports", 편집자)         

 2014. 06. 26.~Present Editor-in-Chief, "International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography", 

                            Research India Publications, India  

             (현재)      (인도국제저널"International Journal of Oceans & Oeanography", 편집장)

 2014. 06. 26.~Present Editor-in-Chief, "International Journal of Lakes &  Rivers", 

                            Research India Publications, India  

             (현재)      (인도국제저널"International Journal of Lakes & Rivers", 편집장)

 2014. 08. 26.~Present Dierctor General, "Atmospheric & Oceanic Disaster Research Institute", 


             (현재)      (한국(사단법인) 대기.해양재해연구소", 이사장)

 2015. 01. 13.~Present IOC/UNESCO-WESTPAC DBCP Working Group Member, "On Applications

                            of Regional Ocean Observations for Increasing Society's Understanding

                            and Forecasting of Typhoons",  United Nation (UN)  

             (현재)      (유엔IOC/UNESCO-WESTPAC (정부간 해양위원회/유네스코-서태평양

                            데이터부이 조정 심사단-태풍예측워킹구룹", 위원)

 2015. 03. 01.~10. 31. High-end Foreign Expert, "South China Sea Institute of Oceanology",

                            (中國科學院 南海海洋硏究所, 2015年~2016年 高端外国专家), China

             (현재)      (중국광조우, "중국과학원 남해연구소", 2015년~2016년 고단외국전문가)

 2015. 05. 29.~Present Editor, "International Journal of Marine Science & Ocean technology",

                            SciDoc Publishers, USA   

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"International Journal of Marine Science & Ocean Tehnology",


 2015. 06.03.~2018. 12. 31.  Associate Editor-in-Chief, "Disaster Advances",

                            Environmental Disaster Research Institute, India

                            (인도, 국제저널"Disaster Advances", 부편집장)

 2015. 06.10.~Present Editor-in-Chief, "Journal of Earth Sciences",

                            Betty Jones & Sisters Publishing, USA

             (현재)      (미국국제저널"Journal of Earth Sciences", 편집장)"

 2015. 08. 13.~Present Editor, "Journal of Earth Sciience & Engineering", David Publishing Co., 


             (현재)      (미국국제저널"Journal of Earth Sciences & Engineering", 편집자)

 2015. 11.06.~2015. 11. 08. Advisory Board Member"BIT-5th WCMB-2014 Annual World Congress

                            of Marine Biotechnology, November 6~8, 2015, Qingdao, China

                            (중국, 칭따오, "BIT-5차 WCMB-2015년 해양생기술 연차세계총회", 11월 6~8일,

                            2015년, 자문위원)

 2015. 11. 09.~2015. 11. 11. Technical Program Chair"ICESB 2015 (International Conference on

                            Environment Science & Biotechnology", November 9~11, 2015, Jinju, Korea

                            (한국, 진주, "ICESB 2015환경과학 및 생기술 국제학술회의", 11월 9~11일,

                            2015년, 기술프로그램 의장)

 2015. 11. 19.~2015. 11. 21. Keynote Speaker"6th International Conference on Health GIS 2015",

                            November 19~21, Mysore, India

                            (인도, 마이소로, "6차 건강 지리 정보 2015년 국제학술회의", 11월 19~21일,

                            2015년, 핵심발표자)

 2015. 12. 08.~2015. 12. 10. Scientific Committee Member

                          "Joint EOGC-GIT4NDM 2015 International Conference",  December 8-10, 2015, 

                            Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates

                            (아랍에미레이트, 알-아인, "Joint EOGC-GIT4NDM 2015 5차 지구변화에 대한

                            지구관측국제학술회의 및 7차 자연재해관리위한 지리정보기술국제학술회의", 

                           12월 8~10일, 2015년,  과학위원)

 2015. 12. 04.~2015. 12. 13. English Debater, Arirang TV-24hours English Broasting in Seoul

                            (UPFRONT Ep. 88)-"Strategies for the New Climate Regime" on COP21 Paris

                            Agreement to UNFCCC (United Nation Framework Convention on Climate 

                            Change; Nov. 30~Dec. 12, 2015, Paris, France), Seoul, Korea

                            (한국, "유엔기후변화협약당사국총회(COP21파리협약, 2015년, 11월 30~

                            12월 21일, 프랑스 파리개최) "에 대한 아리랑TV 주관 "새기후체계를 위한

                            (UPFRONT Ep88)", 영어토론자)

 2015. 06.09.~2016. 03. 18.  International Scientific & Adviaory Committee Member

                            "10th International Conference on Air Quality - Science & Application",

                            March 14-18, 2016, Milan, Italy

                            (아랍이태리, 밀린, "10차 대기질 (과학과 응용) 국제학술회의", 3월 14~18일,

                            2016년,  국제과학위원, 자문위원)

 2016. 03.04.~2016. 07. 03.  Scientific Advisory Board Member"BIT's 6th Low Carbon & Green

                            Growth  Earth Summit", June 30~July 3, 2016, Seoul, Korea

                            (한국, 서울, "BIT 6차저탄소녹생성장 지구정상회의", 6월 30일~7월 3일, 2016년

                            2016년,  과학자문위원)

 2016. 01.04.~2016. 07. 09.  International Conference Chair, Technical Committee Member

                            Keynote Speaker"2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in

                            Environment Research", July 7~9, 2016, Shanghai, China

                            (중국 샹하이,  "2016 2차 환경연구선진화 국제학술회의", 7월 7~9일, 2016년,

                            국제학술회의 개최의장, 기술위원핵심발표자)

 2016. 02. 09.~2016. 10. 31.  Examiner of Ph.D. student dissertation,

                            "Dept. of Coastal Disaster Management, Pondicherry University, India  

                            (인도, "폰디체리대학교, 연안재해관리학과", 박사학위논문심사자)

 2015. 03. 01.~2016. 11. 30.  High-end Foreign Expert, "South China Sea Institute of Oceanology", 

                           中國科學院 南海海洋硏究所 (廣州), 2016年度高端外国专家), China

                           (중국, 광조우, "중국과학원 남해해양연구소", 2016년고단외국전문가)

 2016. 05. 21.~Present Editor, "International Research Journal of Environmental Sciiences &

                            Studies",  Prudent Journals, Nigeria

             (현재)      (나이지리아국제저널"International Research Journal of Environmental

                           Sciences & Studies", 편집자)  

 2016. 06. 15.~Present Editor, "Journal of Shipping & Ocean Engineering", David Publishing Co., 


             (현재)      (미국국제저널"Journal of Shipping & Ocean Engineering", 편집자)

 2016. 10. 01.~2017. 03. 30. Keynote Speaker"2017 4th International Conference on Coastal &

                            Ocean Engineering", March 28~30, 2017, Osaka, Japan

                           (일본, 오사카, "2017 4차 연안 및 해양공학 국제학술회의", 5월 23~25일, 2017년,


 2016. 09. 20.~2017. 05. 25.  International Conference Chair, "2017 3rd International Conference

                            on  Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2016)", May 23~25, 2017,  

                            Beijing, China

                           (중국, 북경, "2017 3차 환경연구선진화 국제학술회의", 5월 23~25일, 2017년,

                           국제학술회의 개최의장, 핵심발표자)

 2017. 01. 10.~Present  Editor, "Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences", Science Publishing Group, 


            (현재)      (미국국제저널"Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences", 편집자)

 2017. 02. 19.~Present  Editor, "Climate", Climate Editorial Office, Switzerland   

            (현재)      (스위스국제저널"Climate", 편집자)

 2017. 06. 09.~Present  Editor, "Intenational Education Scientific Research Journal", IESRJ, India   

            (현재)      (인도국제저널"International Education Scientific Research Journal", 편집자)

 2017. 06. 15.~2017. 12. 29. International Conference Chair, "2017 7th International Conference on 

                           Environment Science and Biotechnology", December 27~29, 2017, Tokyo , 


                           (일본, 도쿄, "2017 7차 환경과학 및 생명공학 국제학술회의", 12월 27~29일,

                           2017년,  국제학술회의 개최의장)

 2017. 06. 15.~2017. 12. 29. Keynote Speaker"2017 7th International Conference on Environment

                          Science and  Biotechnology", December 27~29, 2017, Tokyo , Japan

                          (일본 토쿄,  "2017 7차 환경과학. 생명공학 국제학술회의", 12월 27~29일,

                           2017년, 핵심발표자)"

 2017. 06. 20.~Present  Editor, "Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science",

                          Science Publishing Group, USA   

           (현재)      (미국국제저널"Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science", 편집자)

 2017. 06. 09.~2018. 03. 16.  International Scientific & Adviaory Committee Member

                          "10th International Conference  on Air Quality - Science & Application",

                           March 12-16, 2018, Barocelona, Spain

                           (스페인, 바로셀로나,  "10차 대기질 (과학과 응용) 국제학술회의", 3월 12~16일,

                           2018년, 국제과학.자문위원)"

 2017. 08. 01.~2018. 04. 29,  International Conference Chair"2018 5th International Conference

                          on Coastal & Ocean Engineering", Apail 27~29, 2018, Shanghai, China

                          (중국, 샹하이,  "2018 5차 연안 및 해양공학 국제학술회의", 4월 27~29일,

                          2018년, 국제학술회의 개최의장")

 2017. 08. 01.~2018. 04. 29,  Keynote Speaker"2018 5th International Conference on Coastal &

                          Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2017)", April 27~29, 2018, Shanghai, China

                          (중국, 샹하이,  "2018 5차 연안 및 해양공학 국제학술회의", 4월 27~29일, 2018년,


 2017. 09. 01.~2018. 05. 30.  International Conference Chair"2018 3rd International Conference on 

                          Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2018)", May 28~30, 2018, Hongkong,


                          (중국, 홍콩, "2018 4차 환경연구선진화 국제학술회의", 5월 28~30일, 2018년,

                           국제학술회의 개최의장)

 2017. 09. 01.~2018. 05. 30.  Keynote Speaker"2018 3rd International Conference on Advances in

                          Environment  Research (ICAER 2016)", May 28~30, 2018, Hongkong, China

                          (중국, 홍콩, "2018 4차 환경연구선진화 국제학술회의", 5월 28~30일, 2018년,

                          국제학술회의 핵심발표자

 2017. 10. 28.~Present  Editor, "Fluid Mechanics", OMICS International, USA   

           (현재)      (미국국제저널"Fluid Mechanics", 편집자)

 20018. 01. 16.~06. 30. Invited Guest Editor, "Climate (SCOUPS)" journal, special issue (2018)

                          --"Ocean's Role on Continental and Coastal Climate Variability and Change",

                           Climate Editorial Office,  Switzerland

                           (스위스국제저널"Climate", 초빙객원편집자)

 2018. 01.-31.~Present  Editor-in-Chief, "Journal of Ariculture & Forest Meteorology Research",

                          SciTech Central Inc., USA  

           (현재)      (미국국제저널"Journal of Ariculture & Forest Meteorology Research", 편집장)

 2018. 08. 08.~08. 10. International Program Committee Member, "International Conference on

                           Fluxes & Structure Fluid", August 08~10, 2018, Vladivostok, Russia

                           (러시아, 블라디보스톡, "유체의 흐름과 구조 국제학술회의", 8월 08~10일,

                           2018년, 국제학술회의 프로그램위원)

 2018. 10. 10.~10. 12. Conference Chair, "2018 9th International Conference on Biology,

                           Environment & Chemistry, October 10~12, 2018, Seoul, Korea

                           (한국, 서울, "2018 9차 생물학, 환경 및 화학 국제학술회의", 10월 10~12일,

                           2018년, 국제학술회의 개최의장)

 2018. 10. 10.~10. 12. Keynote Speaker, "2018 9th International Conference on Biology,

                           Environment & Chemistry, October 10~12, 2018, Seoul, Korea

                           (한국, 서울, "2018 9차 생물학, 환경 및 화학 국제학술회의", 10월 10~12일,

                           2018년, 국제학술회의 핵심발표자)

 2018. 10. 29.~10. 30.  Organizing Committee Member, "5th Edition of EuroScicon of Environmental

                           Science & Engineering, October 29~30, 2018, Budapest, Hungary 

                           (헝가리, 부다페스트, "5차 환경과학 및 환경공학국제학술회의", 10월 29~30일,

                           2018년, 국제학술회의 조직위원)

 2018. 10. 29.~10. 30.  Keynote Speaker, "5th Edition of EuroScicon of Environmental Science &

                           Engineering, October 29~30, 2018, Budapest, Hungary 

                           (헝가리, 부다페스트, "5차 환경과학 및 환경공학국제학술회의", 10월 29~30일,

                           2018년, 국제학술회의 핵심발표자)

 2018. 12. 01.~Present  Editor-in-Chief, "Disaster Advances", Environmental Disaster Research

                           Institute, India

            (현재)      (인도국제저널"Disaster Advances, 편집장)

 2019. 03. 02.-~Present  Editor-in-Chief, "International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture",

                           Medwin Publishers, USA

            (현재)      (미국국제저널"International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture", 편집장)

 2019. 04. 25.-~04. 28. Conference Chair, "2019 6th International Conference on Coastal & Ocean 

                           Enginering",  April 25~28, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand

                           (태국, 방콕, "2019년 6차 연안 및 해양공학 국제학술회의", 4월 25~28일, 2019년

                           국제학술회의 개최의장)

 2019. 04. 25.-~04. 28. Keynote Speaker, "2019 6th International Conference on Coastal & Ocean 

                           Enginering",  April 25~28, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand

                           (태국, 방콕, "2019년 6차 연안 및 해양공학 국제학술회의", 4월 25~28일, 2019년

                           국제학술회의 핵심발표자)

 2019. 04. 25.-~04. 28. Program Chair, "9th International Conference on Environmental &

                           Industrial Innovation", April 25~28, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand

                           (태국, 방콕, "9차 환경 및 혁신 국제학술회의", 4월 25~28일, 2019년, 

                           국제학술회의 프로그램 의장)

 2019. 07. 16.~07. 19. International Program Committee Member, "PACON 26th International

                           Conference", July 16~19, 2019, Vladivostok, Russia

                           (러시아, 블라디보스톡, "26차 태평양해양총회 국제학술회의", 7월 16~19일,

                           2019년, 국제학술회의 프로그램위원)

 2019. 08. 13.~08. 15. Conference Chair, "ICAER 2019 5th International Conference on Advances

                           in Environment Research", August 13~15, 2019, Singapore

                           (싱가포르, "5차 환경연구 선진화 국제술회의", 8월 13~15일, 2019년,

                           국제학술회의 개최의장)

 2019. 08. 13.~08. 15. International Program Committee Member, "ICAER 2019 5th International

                           Conference on Advances in Environment Research", August 13~15, 2019,


                           (싱가포르, "5차 환경연구 선진화 국제술회의", 8월 13~15일, 2019년,

                           국제학술회의 프로그램위원)   

 2019. 09. 23.-~09. 27. International Program Committee Member, "18th World Clean Air Congress"

                           September 23~27, 2019, Istanbul, Turkey

                           (터키, 이스탄블, "18차 세계청정공기총회", 9월 23~27일, 2019년, 

                           국제학술회의 프로그램위원) 

 2019. 09. 25.-~09. 27. Keynote Speaker, "2019 10th International Conference on Biology,

                            Environment & Chemistry (ICBEC 2019)", September 25~27, 2019, Bangkok,


                            (태국, 방콕, "2019년 10차 생물, 환경 및 화학 국제학술회의", 9월 25~27일,

                            2019년, 핵심발표자)

 2019. 10. 07.-~10. 09. Organizing Committee Member, "6th Edition of EuroScicon of Environmental

                            Science & Engineering, October 07~09, 2019, Osaka, Japan

                            (일본, 오사카, "6차 환경과학, 환경공학국제학술회의", 10월 07~09일, 2019년

                            국제학술회의 직위원)

 2019. 12. 03.-~12. 05.  International Program Committee Member, "10th International Conference

                            -School of Young Scientists--"Wave & Vorties in Complex Media",

                            December 03~05, 2019, Moscow, Russia

                            (러시아, 모스크바, 러시아, "10차 복합메질에서 파와 와동--젊은 과학자

                            국제학술회의",  12월 03~05일, 2019년, 국제학술회의 프로그램위원)

 2020. 04. 22.~04. 24. International Conference Chair"2020 7th International Conference on

                            Coastal & Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2020)", April 22~24, 2020, Singapore

                            (싱가폴, "2020 7차 연안 및 해양공학 국제학술회의", 4월 22~24일, 2020년,

                            국제학술회의 개최의장)

 2020. 08. 25.~08. 27. International Program Committee Member, "2020 20th International 

                            Conference on luxes and Structure in Fluids", August 25~27, 2020,

                            Murmansk, Russia

                            (무르만스크, 러시아, "2020 20차 유체 속의 플럭스와 구조 국제학술회의",

                            10월 26~28일, 2020년,국제프로그램위원개최의장)

 2020. 01. 01.~10. 24. International Conference Chair"2020 10th International Conference on

                            Biology, Environment & Chemistry (ICBEC 2020)", October 22~24, 2020,

                            Lisbon, Portugal

                            (포르투칼, 리스본, "10차 생물, 환경 및 화학 국제학술회의", 10월 22~24일,

                            2020년, 국제학술회의 개최의장)

 2020. 01. 01.~10. 24. Keynote Speaker"2020 10th International Conference on Biology,

                            Environment & Chemistry (ICBEC 2020)", October 22~24, 2020, Lisbon,


                            (포르투칼, 리스본, "10차 생물, 환경 및 화학 국제학술회의", 10월 22~24일,

                            2020년, 국제학술회의 핵심발표자)

 2020. 06. 10.~12. 03. International Program Committee Member, "11th International Conference

                            -School of Young Scientists--"Wave & Vorties in Complex Media",

                            December 01~03, 2020, Moscow, Russia

                            (러시아, 모스크바, "11차 복합메질에서 파와 와동--젊은 과학자, 국제학술회의",

                            12월 01~03일, 2020년, 국제학술회의 프로그램위원)

 2020. 09. 26.~Present Member of Board of Directors,"Pacific Congress of Marine Science & 

                            Technology (PACON)"  , 2020, Hawaii, USA

             (현재)      (미국하와이, "해양과학기술태평양총회", 2020년, 이사회 이사)

 2021. 02. 13.~Present  Editor, "Sci", Sci Editorial Office, MDPI Publishing Co., Besel, Switzerland

             (현재)      (스위스국제저널"Sci", 편집자)

 2021. 02. 25.~02. 26. Keynote Speaker"Health GIS 2021", February 25~26, 2021, Bangkok,


                            (태국, 방콕, "건강 지리정보 2021", 02월 25~26일, 2021년, 핵심발표자)

 2021. 06. 24.~06. 26. International Conference Chair"2021 12th International Coference on

                            Environmental Engineering & Applications (ICEEA 2021)", June 21~23,

                            2021, Xian, China

                            (중국 , 시안, "2021년 12차 환경공학 및 응용 국제학술회의", 06월 21~23일, 

                            2021년, 국제학술회의 개최의장) 

 2021. 10. 14.~10. 16. International Conference Chair"2021 Asia Environment & Resource

                            Engineering Conference  (AERE 2021)", October 14~16, 2021, Singapore

                            (싱가포르, "2021년 아시아 환경자원공학 국제학술회의", 10월 14~16일,

                            2021년, 국제학술회의 개최의장) 

 2021. 10. 15.~Present  President,"Pacific Congress on Marine Science &  Technology (PACON)" ,

                            Hawaii, USA

             (현재)      (미국하와이, "해양과학기술태평양총회", 2021년, 회장) 

 2022. 09. 06.~09. 07    International Conference Chair"27th Pacific Congress on Marine  

                            Science& Technology (PACON-2022)" , September 06~07, 2022, Gangneung,


                            (한국, 강릉, "27차 태평양해양과학기술총회", 9월 6~7일, 2022년,  

                            국제학술회의 개최의장) 



 (Korea: 국내)


  0 (사단법인) 대기해양재해연구소: 이사장 (2014 ~ 현재)    

  0 국립강릉원주대학교: 대학원장 (2009 ~ 2011, 2011~ 2012)    

  0 국립강릉원주대학교: 교수 (1988 ~ 2014)    

  0 한국환경과학회: 회장 (2002 ~ 2003)

  0 대한민국과학축전- 2003년 청소년이공계진로 엑스포: 국내 환경관련학회-총괄대표학회 회장

                          (2003 ~2003), 과학기술부-한국과학문화재단 주관

  0 2002년 중.고등학생과학엑스포: 국내 환경학회 중-총괄대표학회 회장(2002~2002),

                          한국과학문화재단, 과학기술부 주관  

  0 2002년한민족과학기술자총회: 국내 환경학회 중-총괄대표학회 회장(2002~2002),


  0 2002년한민족과학기술자총회-환경, 에너지, 생태심포지움: 의장 (2002~2002)-" ,


  0 해양수산부, 국립수신진흥원 동해수산연구소: 수산연구관 (대통령발령) (2003~2005)

  0 해양수산부, 국립수신진흥원 동해수산연구소: 수산연구관 (대통령발령) (1997~1999)

  0 국립강릉원주대학교 동해안지역연구소: 소장 (1989 ~ 1991)  

  0 문교부 교육과정심의위원회: 위원 (1994 ~ 1999)  

  0 환경처 해양보전자문위원회 : 위원 (1992 ~ 1994)  

  0 원주지방환경관리청 환경영향평가위원회 : 위원 (1994 ~ 1996)  

  0 남극과학연구위원회 회의 (SCAR) : 한국정부대표 (1986 ~ 1986) - 미국 Sandiego

  0 남극과학정책 정부간회의 : 한국정부대표 (1986 ~ 1986) - 미국 Racine                             

  0 한국과학기술원 해양연구소(KAIST- KORDI): 한국정부 해외유치 과학자 (선임연구원) 

                         (1984 ~ 1988)  

  0 청정환경국제심포지움: 개최회장

  0 한국과학기술단체총연합회: 환경기술위원회 위원

  0 한국환경과학연구협의회: 대의원

  0 한국환경영향평가학회: 편집위원 

  0 한국기상학회: 학술이사

  0 화천군, 화천포럼21: 생태문화-관광분과위원회 위원장

  0 한국수산학회: 평의원, 정회원

  0 한국해양학회: 정회원

  0 한국어업기술학회: 정회원

  0 한국해양환경공학회: 정회원

  0 한국지리학회: 정회원

  0 한국지구과학회: 정회원

  0 한국지리정보학회: 정회원


  (Overseas: 국외)


  0 President, Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology (PACON), Japan

                        (일본, "태평양해양과학기술총회", 회장 ) (2021 ~ 현재)   

  0 Deputy Director General, International Biographical Centre, United Kingdom (UK)

                        (영국, "세계인명센터", 부소장 ) (2005 ~ 현재)   

  0 High-end Foreign Expert, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, (CAS)

                        Chinese Academy of ScienceChina

                       (중국, "고단외국전가 (高端外国专家)", 중국과학원 남해해양연구소,

                       (2015. 03. 01. ~2016. 11. 30.)   

  0 Adjunct Professor, Zhejiang Ocean University, China

                      (중국, "겸직교수", 저장해양대학 ) (2013. 09. 25. ~ 현재)   

  0 IOC WESTPAC DBCP Working Group Member, "On Applications of Regional Ocean

                       Observations for Increasing Society's Understanding and Forecasting

                       of Typhoons", United Nation   

                     (유엔IOC/UNESCO 서태평양 정부간해양위원회-테이터부이조정심사단

                       태풍예측웍킹구룹, 실무위원)  (2015 ~ 현재)   

  0 Member, Research Council, International Biographical Centre (IBC)UK (England)

                       (2004 ~ 현재)          

                       (영국, "세계인명센터"연구위원)

  0 2000 Outstanding intellectualss of the 21st centry, International Biographical Centre

                       IBC)UK (England)

                      (영국, "세계인명센터", 21세기  탁월한 2000 세계지식인 )

  0 International Conference ChairKeynote Speaker,"2020 Asia Environment & Resourc

                      Engineering Conference (AERE 2021", Singapore (2021, 10. 14~16), 

                      (싱가포르 "2021 아시아 환경자원공학 국제학술회의", 국제학술회의


  0 International Conference ChairKeynote Speaker,"2018 5th International Conference

                      on Coastal & Ocean Engineering (ICCOE 2018", Shanghai, China

                  (2018, 04. 27~29), 

                      (중국 샹하이,  "2018 5차 연안 및 해양공학 국제학술회의", 국제학술회의


  0  International Conference Chair, Keynote Speaker, "2017 7th International Conference

                       on Environment Science and Biotechnology (ICESB 2017)", Tokyo , Japan

                       (2017. 12. 27~29)

                      (일본 토쿄),   "2017 7차 환경과학 및생명공학 국제학술회의", 국제학술회의

                       개최의장, 핵심발표자

  0  International Conference Chair, Keynote Speaker"2017 3rd International Conference

                       on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2017)", Beijing, China

                       (2017. 05. 23~25)  

                     (중국 "2017 3차 환경연구선진화 국제학술회의", 국제학술회의 개최의장,


  0 International Conference Chair, "2016 International Conference on Advances in

                       Environment Research (ICAER 2016)   Shanghai, China (July 7~9, 2016)

                  (중국, "2016년 2차환경연구선진화 국제학술회의: 개최의장 및 기술위원)

  0 President, "International Conference on Environmental Disaster & Prediction", 

                      Gangneung, Korea (August 18~20, 2014)

                  (한국, "환경재해관리 및 예측 국제학술회의: 개최회장)

  0 Co-President, "3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management of Global,

                      Regional & Urban Scales", Istanbul, Turkey (2004. 09. 26~30.) 

                     (터키, " 3차 대도시, 지역 및 지구규모대기질관리 국제심포지움":


  0 Guest Invited Professor, Peking University, China (support by Chinese Natural Science 


                      (중국, "초청방문교수-1급과학자", 북경대학, 환경과학센터-한국과학재단 및


  0 Guest Invited Scientist, Institute of Oceanology, Qingdao, China (support by Chinese 

                       Science Foundation)

                       (중국, "초청방문과학자-1급 과학자", 중국해양연구소-청도시, 한국과학재단

                         및 중국과학재단지원)

  0 President, "Atmospheric Science Section", AOGS(Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society;

                       53 Nations), Singapore

                  (싱가포르, "아시아-오세아니아 지구과학회-대기과학분야: 회장 및 부회장)

  0 Editor-In-Chief, "International Journal of Oceans & Oceanography",

                      Research India Publication, India   

                  (인도, 인도연구출판사, "International Journal of Oceans & Oceanography":


  0 Editor-In-Chief, "International Journal of Lakes & Rivers", Research India Publication, India   

                  (인도, 인도연구출판사, "International Journal of Lakes & Rivers": 편집장)

  0 Editor-In-Chief, "International Journal of Food Science & Technology",

                      Science & Education Publishing,USA

                    (미국, 과학교육출판사, "International Journal of Food Science & Technology":


  0 Editor-In-Chief, "Trends Journal of Science Research", TJSR Co., USA   

                  (미국, TJSR출판사, "Trends Journal of Science Research": 편집장)

  0 Editor-in-Chief, "American Journal of Environmental Protection",

                      Science & Education Publishing Co., USA  

                  (미국, 과학교육출판사, "American Journal of Environmental Protection":


  0 Editor-In-Chief, "Advances in Geoscience, Vol. 5", World Scientific Publication Co.,

                     (WSPC), Singapore

                    (싱가포르 WSPC, "Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 5": 편집장)

  0 Editor-In-Chief, "Journal of Earth Sciences", Betty Jones & Sisters Publishing, USA

                    (미국 베티 존 시스터스 출판사, "Journal of Earth Sciences": 편집장)

  0 Editor-In-Chief, "Current Development in Oceanography", Pushpa Publishing Co.,


                  (인도 푸시파출판사, "Current Development in Oceanography",

                     Pushpa Publishing Co.: 편집장)  

  0 Editor-In-Chief, Far East Journal of Ocean Research", Pushpa Publishing Co., India

                 (인도 푸시파출판사, "Far East Journal of Ocean research",

                    Pushpa Publishing Company: 편집장)  

  0 Associate Editor-In-Chief, "Disaster Advances", Environmental Disaster Research

                   Institute, India

                 (인도, 환경재해연구소, "Disaster Advances": 부편집장                           

  0 Associate Editor-In-Chief, "International Journal of Environment & Resources", 

                   Science & Engineering Publishing Co., USA

                 ( 미국, 과학.공학출판사, International Journal of Environment & Resources":


  0 Associate Editor-In-Chief, "Current Advances in Environmental Science",

                   American V-King Publishing LTD, USA

                 ( 미국, 미국바이킹출판사, Current Advances in Environmental Science":


  0 Invited Guest Editor, "Climate", special Issue--"Ocean Role on Continental & Coastal 

                   Climate Variability and Change" (2018. 06. 30.), Climate Editorial Office, 


                  (스위스, 기후편집회사, "Climat": 특별호 (2018. 06. 30.), 초빙편집자  

  0 Editor, "Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science", Science Publishing Group,


              (미국, 과학출판구룹, "Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science":


  0 Editor, "International Education Scientific Research Journal", IESRJ, India

              (인도, 국제교육과학연구저널, "International Education Scientific Research

                 Journal", 편집자)    

  0 Editor, "Climate", Climate Editorial Office, Switzerland

              (스위스, 기후편집회사, "Climate": 편집자)    

  0 Editor, "Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences", Science Publishing Group, USA 

              (미국, 과학출판구룹, "Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences": 편집자)    

  0 Editor, "Journal of Shipping & Ocean Engineering", David Publishing Co., USA 

              (미국, 데이비드출판사, "Journal of Shipping & Ocean Engineering": 편집자)    

  0 Editor, "International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences & Studies",

                 Prudent Journals, Nigeria

              (나이지리아, 푸루덴트저널스 출판사, "International Research Journal of

                 Environmental Sciences & Studies": 편집자)    

  0 Editor, "International Journal of Marine Science & Ocean Technology",

                 SciDoc Publishers, USA 

              (미국, 에스시아이디오시출판사, "International Journal of Marine Science

                 & Ocean Technology": 편집자)    

  0 Editor, "Journal of Earth Science & Engineering", David Publishing Co., USA 

             (미국, 데이비드출판사, "Journal of Earth Science & Engineering": 편집자)    

  0 Editor, "Advanced Research in Engineering Sciences", Alp Computer Education 

                Society, USA 

             (미국, 알프컴퓨터교육학회, "Advanced Research in Engineering Sciences":


  0 Editor, "Journal of Scientific Research & Reports", SCIENCEDOMAIN International,


             (미국, 국제사이언스도메인, "Journal of Scientific Research & Reports",


  0 Invited Guest Editor, "International Journal of Environment & Pollution", special Issue

                (2009. 9.), Inderscience, United Kindom (UK; England)

                (영국, 인더사이언스, "International Journal of Environment & Pollution":

                Special Issue (2009; 2005 AQM Symposium), 초빙편집자  

  0 Editor, "Open Journal of Ocean & Coastal Sciences", Scientific Online Publishing,


              ( 미국, 과학온라인출판사, Open Journal of Ocean & Coastal Sciences": 편집자)   

  0 Editor, "Open Journal of Atmospheric & Climate Change", Scientific Online Publishing,


             ( 미국, 과학온라인출판사, Open Journal of Atmospheric & Climate Change":


  0 Editor, "Journal of Environment & Human", Scientific Online Publishing, USA    

             ( 미국, 과학온라인출판사, Journal of Environment & Human": 편집자)   

  0 Editor, "Journal of Scientific Research & Reports", SCIENCEDOMAIN International, India     

               ( 인도, 국제과학도메인, Journal of Scientific Research & Reports": 편집자)   

  0 Editor, "Advanced Shipping & Ocean Engineering", World Academic Publishing Co.,

               Hong Kong   

            홍콩, 세계학문출판사, Advanced Shippping & Ocean Engineering": 편집자)   

  0 Editor, "Universal Journal of Geoscience",  Horizon Research Publishing Co., USA

            미국, 수평연구출판사, Universal Journal of Geoscience": 편집자)   

  0 Editor, "American Journal of Environmental Engineering",  

               Scientific & Academic Publishing, USA

             ( 미국, 과학학문출판사, Americal Journal of Environmental Engineering":


  0 Editor, "American Journal of Environmental Protection",  

               Scientific & Education Publishing, USA

            미국, 과학교육출판사, Americal Journal of Environmental Protection":


  0 Editor, "International Journal of Physical Sciences," Academic Journals, Nigeria

             ( 나이지리아, 아카데미 저널스, International Journal of Physical Sciences":


  0 Editor, "Disaster Advances", Environmental Disaster Research Institute,  India

             (인도, 환경재해연구소, Disaster Advances": 편집자)  

  0 Editor, "Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment, Environmental Disaster Research

               Institute, India

            (인도, 환경재해연구소, Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment": 편집자)  

  0 Editor, Global Meteorology", PAGE Press Publishers,  Italy

            (이태리, 페이지출판사, Global Meteorology": 편집자)  

  0 Editor, Editorial Board, "The Open Atmospheric Science Journal",

               Bentham Science Publishers,  USA

            (미국, 벤샘과학출판사, "The Open Atmospheric Sience Journal": 편집자)  

  0 Editor, "International Journal of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering,  Nigeria

            (나이지리아, 아카데미 저널스, "International Water Resources & Environmental

               Engineering": 편집자)  

  0 Editor, "International Geoinformatics Research & Development JournalCanada

             (캐나다, "International Geoinformatics Research & Development Journal":


  0 Editor, "Far East Journal of Ocean Research", Pushpa Publishing Co., India

            (인도, 푸시파출판사, "Far East Journal of Ocean research": 편집자)  

  0 Editor, "Advances in Geoscience, Vol. 9", World Scientific Publication Company 

              (WSPC), Singapore

             (싱가포르, 세계과학출판사, "Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 9": 편집자)

  0 Editor, "Geospatial Today-International Journal", India

              인도, "Geospatial Today-국제저널": 자문편집자)

  0 Editor, "Advanced in Fracture Mechanics", Wessex Institute of Technology,

               United Kingdom (UK; England)

              (영국, 웩세서기술연구소, "Advanced in Fracture Mechanics" : 편집자)

  0 Editor, "Damage & Fracture Mechanics", Wessex Institute of Technology,

              United Kingdom (UK; England)  

              (영국, 웩세서기술연구소"Damage & Fracture Mechanics": 편집자)

  0 Reviewer, "Water, Air & Soil Pollution:Focuss", Springer, Netherland

             (네델랜드, "Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focuss": 심사위원)

  0 Convenor, "Typhoon Impact on Ocean Environment & Disaster",  AOGS

             (Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society), Taipei

             (타이페이, "아시아-오세아니아 지구과학회 - "Typhoon impact on ocean

             environment & disaster" 분과": 조정관)

  0 Convenor, "Air Quality Modeling & Monitoring",  AOGS (Asia-Oceania Geosciences

             Society), Taipei

           (타이페이, "아시아-오세아니아 지구과학회-"AirQuaty Modeling & Monitoring"

             분과: 조정관)

  0 Convenor, "Atmospheric Environment & Pollution",  AOGS (Asia-Oceania Geosciences

             Society), Singapore

          (싱가포르, "아시아-오세아니아 지구과학회-"Atmospheric Environment & Pollution"

             분과: 조정관),

  0 Convenor, "Atmospheric Environment & Pollution",  AOGS (Asia-Oceania Geosciences

             Society), Korea

             (한국, "아시아-오세아니아 지구과학회-"Atmospheric Environment & Pollution"

             분과: 조정관)

  0 Convenor, "Atmospheric Environment",  AOGS (Asia-Oceania Geosciences

             Society), Singapore

           (싱가포르, "아시아-오세아니아 지구과학회-"Atmospheric Environment"

            분과: 조정관),

  0 Convenor,  "Urban & Regional Climatology", AOGS (Asia-Oceania Geosciences

             Society), Singapore

           (싱가포르, "아시아-오세아니아 지구과학회-"Urban & Regional Climatology"


  0 Convenor,  "Atmospheric Environment & Pollution", AOGS (Asia-Oceania Geosciences

             Society), Bangkok

            (태국, "아시아-오세아니아 지구과학회-"Atmospheric Environment & Pollution"

             분과: 조정관)

  0 Chair,  "Meteorological Aspects", Indonesia Ocean Forum(IOF) and 13th PAMS/JECSS

             Workshop, Indonesia

           (인도네시아, "인도네시아해양포름&13차태평양연안해 및 일본-동중국해웍숍

             - 기상양상분과":좌장)

  0 Member, Program Committee, "International Conference and Young Scientists on 

             Computational Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences (CITES-2003),

             2003", Russia

            (러시아, "환경과학계산정보기술국제회의: 프로그램위원회 위원)

  0 Member, International Committee, "Metropolitan Development and Environmental

             Symposium", China (PR)

          (중국 , "대도시개발-환경 국제심포지움": 국제위원)  

  0 Member, International Scientific Committee, "International Marine Science Conference", 


          (말레이시아, "국제해양과학회의": 국제과학위원)  

  0 Member, American Meteorological Society, U.S.A  

          (미국, 미국기상학회: 정회원)

  0 Member, Air & Waste Management Association, U.S.A.

           (미국, 미국대기.폐기물관리협회: 정회원)

  0 Member, Japanese Society of Snow and Ice, Japan

           (일본, 일본설빙학회:정회원)

  0 Member, La Societe Franco-Japonaise D'oceanographie, Japan


  0 Session Chair, Sessions of International Conferences and Symposiums more than

            100 times, World

          ( 세계국제학술회의 100회 이상: 좌장)